Monday, January 7, 2008

How to tell a picture is fake online

I have been online for over 10 years and have figured out that you can’t really tell if the person you are viewing is really them by the picture they have. With certain chat rooms you come to realize that as each year progresses, more and more fake pages emerge as well as bots. What is a bot you may ask? A bot or better known as web robots, are software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet. In a way they seem to perform tasks that are much more repetitive, these tasks are performed at a much higher rate than any human alone would be able to perform possible. Also known as chatter bots, they may allow people to ask questions in plain English and then formulate a proper response.

One of the most often tasks you see these bots perform are adult chatting. If you go on certain chat rooms you will notice that you will get many of these bots saying questions like do you want to see my webcam? Of course if you fall into their trap, they will have you go to their website were chances are in order to view their webcam or someone else’s webcam you have to signup for an account and give your credit card information. Beware! As the years progress these bots get trickier than before. But back to the topic of how to tell a picture is fake.

When you look at a picture you will notice that many pictures are taken as if they were models. I call them model pictures. Whenever you are chatting with someone and they have model pictures, which should send off a red flag. Reason being is what are the chances of you actually chatting with a model online? Be serious people. You have better chances at winning the lottery than to actually chat with a model online. That’s one way to tell a picture is fake. Also if you’ve seen that picture before on a search engine or another site, which means that person stole their picture and tried to be someone they aren’t.

I’ve also noticed that when you go on certain dating sites you will find a numerous amount of model pictures and people saying they are model, however when you try talking to them and they do say they are a model they tend to say that they are modeling in Africa or Nigeria and are stuck their and have no way to get back. Whenever you get this message you need to stop talking to that person immediately. That is a scam account that wants to get your money from your bank account. Sort of like the junk emails you get saying you have been inherited millions of dollars from a long lost relative in a foreign country. Believe me money doesn’t magically appear to you from someone you never heard of. So don’t buy into it. So I hope I have given you the reader some insight on how to tell a picture is fake online. So next time you encounter a person with a fake picture you will know what to do and that is ignore them.