Monday, May 11, 2015

Recommended Books to Read that Great Leaders Read


Want to know what the wealthiest people in the world read?

People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban, Donald Trump and some of the top Fortune 100 successful people in the world?

These are some of the types of Books Great Leaders Read

Beyond Positive Thinking by Robert Anthony

Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Convincing them in 90 seconds or less by Nicholas Bootman

Developing leaders around you by John Maxwell

Developing the Leader within you by John Maxwell

Great Leaders ask Great Questions by John Maxwell

How to Influence People by John Maxwell

How to make them like you in 90 seconds or less by Nicholas Boothman

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age by Dale Carnegie & Associates

Mindset by Carol S. Dweck

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Three Feet from Gold by Sharon L. Lechter & Greg S. Reid

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Should we have a look into the Cook County Mayoral Election again

This post is really to share what had happened to me and I want to know if there were other Cook County voters that had this happen as well to them.

I requested for the Mayoral Campaign Runnoff mailing casting ballot right before they allowed you to request online to mail my vote for Rahm Emmanuel vs Jesus Garcia. So the story goes like so...

I hoping that I would get my mailing ballot in the mail before actual election day had my hopes up go in wonder because election day comes and so making sure my vote counts I go and vote in person and as I get there they were confused because in the system they showed I was doing the mailing ballot and so I told I never received the mailing ballot and so they attached a special card along with my vote so I could vote which makes me wonder because they were confused as well, did my vote actually count? Was I the only one that happened to or was there other people just like me that happened to?

This link makes me wonder below that talks about ballots getting pre-checked for Rahm Emannuel.

Whether this is legit or not it made me wonder if something like this should be looked into and maybe offer the citizens of Cook County a chance to vote whether we should have a recasting of the votes and if there was fraud in it then have a revote again that way it is a fair election. Just like boxing we as those that pay to see it don't like to be cheated on and want a fair fight because it is the honorable way to do.

So back to the story with me...

I receive the Mail in Ballot on April 15th. And I ask when was election day again? Answer is April 7th. So was I the only one happened to? Are there any other people that this has happened to and they haven't come out to say this happened to me? Why? Fear of confrontation? Fear of being threatened? Guess they need someone to speak up for them that doesn't mind confrontation. That has a Leadership mentality. That's were I come in. Mr. Richlatino Fedora Hat Wearer. The Chicagorican that speaks Spanglish and not Spanish. Which by the way Richlatino means Rich Hearted. Having a Rich Heart that cares for others.

Stay tuned for more...