Monday, April 7, 2014

Good Afternoon everyone! Happy Manic Monday 2014! Happy New Year! A New Year! A New You! And a New Me! I made a promise I would get out my New Year's Resolutions list for 2014 and this is just the beginning of videos for me via Youtube and expressing myself, it's also practice for me and prepping me for what I really want to do with my life which is get into motivational speaking. Yea some kinks in the way I look on Youtube but you know what? Tough cookies! I'm not here to impress anyone, I am here to express myself the way I was born to do! So watch this video its under 10 minutes which I always highly suggest watching and also you might highly want to subscribe to my Youtube Channel because there will be more. Once I figure out how to send messages via a Fan Page since I am working on mastering this I will eventually make this the number one way to reach me and will hardly be on it but will only be on it if I need to contact people. You are more than willing to send me a message here if you can. I will usually respond to any messages within 24 hours if its through here. Otherwise if you ain't going to pay attention to what I've said in my previous posts then why should I reply to a message? Like read my page and you will know why I am hardly on it!

I am the most controversial, kick butt, stubborn, very opinionated if I don't like it I will say what's on my mind and I will not be quiet type of guy, you are either going to like me or hate me, love me or be annoyed by me, or you are either going to be like that is one crazy Chicagorican wearing a Fedora Hat which he rocks on all the time either way my answer is either YOLO or TOUGH COOKIES! Because I am me! And I am not here to impress anyone or to be apart of the average and ordinary lifestyle let along the get a good job, get married, get house, work 40 years of your life, enjoy 5 years, etc crap. I think outside the box and I'm sorry I really don't like entitlements. My main opinion and I know it can get controversial but you know what JUST BRING IT because I truly believe that if you put your heart and soul and effort into what you do you will be rewarded.

Pain is temporary but it will subside. The way the times are now for many I want to let all you people know...You have to believe in yourself and have faith and be positive. Love yourself. Have your priorities straight! It will get better because no matter how hard it is, or how hard it will get, we all shall make it! 2014 is going to be a great year!

I've chose my mountain and at the moment people are trying to get me to go to their mountain and I am going to be very blunt and upfront here. I appreciate the offers but this is my mountain and I shall climb it. You are either going to see me at the top of the mountain waving down or you are going to see me laying dead in the ground next to my mountain, either way this is where I stay and I'm about to do some very big things this year and I am just putting it out there. I am not saying when exactly but I am having faith that what I am about to do shall be noticed and shall happen because its already in my mind what I am doing this year and as Napolean Hill says "What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve"

People say the sky's the limit? I say b.s. There is no limit to your hard work, sacrifice, determination. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter...but only if you truly have faith in it and believe it and take that first step. The only thing you can fear is fear itself. I will 30 years old on September 30th, my goal to achieve is to go skydiving before my 30th birthday. Me and some Gen Y buddies shall be doing this and the questions is do you want to be apart of something big? Do you want to take that first step? It doesn't matter if you do or you don't either way I'm going to be at the top and you can come with me or you can keep staying average and ordinary.

Watch this video, subscribe to my channel, either your apart of change or your apart of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results its really your choice. I've made my choice for years now prior to me getting into the industry I am today. I don't like working a J.O.B to me that makes me allergic seriously. I sneeze when I hear about that. Sure sometimes you have to bite the pill but know its never permanent only temporary. Here are some examples of why I want to do what these people did.

Steve Jobs had an idea. Went for it. APPLE INC becomes the biggest thing in history and now wherever you go 7 out of 10 people own some type of APPLE product. Why? Because he paved the way for everyone to revolutionize the technology industry.

Warren Buffett asked a farmer to help him on his idea and promised that farmer shares of the company he was going to create for helping him get started on his idea....those shares are worth billions of dollars and that company is Berkshire Hathaway. Warren Buffett is one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Paul Mitchell had $700 to his name and went into salon after salon trying to get his idea and dream out there and sure enough he did. How many salons, places you see sell Paul Mitchell products? Tons right?

Finally the last example. When Mcdonalds first came out and people had the chance to own one of the very first franchises in American history to really make something big happen they could of owned a Mcdonalds for $5000 investment. Many said who is going to buy a burger and fries in a bag that's never going to work. Very few people took that risk or first step and now to own your very own franchise Mcdonalds is $1.5 million dollars....yea those that are still alive that got that opportunity back in the beginning really hate driving by there because they had the chance to take that first step.....

Many people know me that have known me for years now know that when I give a suggestion or advice especially on an event coming up or something going on its really a great suggestion or advice. I highly recommend people actually subscribe to my channel and keep an eye on what I'm doing and if your interested in taking that first step than contact me. I'm not going to tell people hey? Are you interested in it now? No if I've already given the chance once its up to you all if you want to or not either way its no biggie on my end.

2014 is the year for some big changes. And trust me....the Chicagorican Richlatino wearing the Fedora Hat doesn't lie and can guarantee that this year is going to be even bigger than last year and better