Friday, March 6, 2020

To light it up
To not light it up legally.
By Julio Carrasco

To light it up or to not light it up legally? That is the question that if Prince Hamlet was alive today rather than holding a skull in Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 from Shakespeare’s nunnery scene, he would hold a marijuana “fatty” and decide does he do it or not?

Well hello everyone. A happy almost end of the 1st Quarter to you! No it isn't 2019 it is 2020 so this isn't a repeat but a continuation from what we previously talked about. The legalization of recreational marijuana in Illinois. You know I never thought Illinois would be quick to pass something like this but guess with it being a double edged sword in my own opinion I can see why. 

About 2 months ago on January 1st, 2020 in a historic precedence Illinois legalized recreational marijuana to be sold and offered to people here. Let's take a pause and deep breath at what has happened here. This has been a historic moment indeed. A lot of controversy leading up to days right to it but it has officially happened. 

I still make my case that I am not a fan of it or even like the smell of it because I don't like being off balance but for something that I saw throughout the news yesterday on TV was amazing. You know what that was? The amount of people lined up at the facilities offering the recreational marijuana. People lined up by the hundreds and even thousands in some locations. To get their hands on the very first legalized product that if you were caught with it in the past you would be in some deep trouble. Crazy right? Not to mention this. Many, many, and I mean many people being released or in the process of being released and having their charges expunged from marijuana possession related offenses. Wow! Crazy! How about what happened next? I touched about this a little bit on my previous post. It didn't happen to the effect I wanted but still something that happened alright.

The age to purchase tobacco products including recreational marijuana went from 18 to 21 years old. That may not seem like a big deal to some but in actuality it sure the heck was! I'm yet to see if people will start increasing more on what I think might happen which is smoking of it on the trains but I haven't gone out like I normally do. Maybe this weekend or next week. I'll ponder on it as I go downtown to an event. It amazes me though the amount of people in line. What is funny is that this is what I think of all this hoopla. 

Isn't that something? Now that's my opinion don't take it seriously. Take it with a grain of salt or do as you please. 

Now in I believe it was Michigan they came out with theirs December 1st 2019 and within 2 weeks made $3.1 million dollars. Wow. In Colorado the first day sales back on January 1st 2014 the very 1st state to legalize it was over $1 million dollars. On January 1st, 2020 in Illinois nearly $3.2 Million Dollars of pot products in sales generated... Hang on a sec Julio... My 2020 vision hasn't fully adjusted to what you just said... How much!!!? Yep. $3.2 Million Dollars with a M. It would be interesting if it were to keep a steady pace like that but I highly doubt it but hell if it averaged that by the end of the month that could be close to a $100 Million dollars... Well an update from that it has generated to date close to $40 Million dollars! Well not a $100 Million but hot diggity dog that's crazy right!?

Time to take that deep deep deep breath again Julio because good lordie that is insane!

Here's another thing about that huge amount of a figure. The part that not only frightens me but amazes me and hardly catches me by surprise...Taxes. Yeah. Let's delve on that a tiny bit. Now someone posted on Twitter what they had spent on their purchase of the recreational marijuana and I want to break down the Subtotal and of course the taxes. Look below:

The subtotal was $157 for 2.60 grams. Let's get into Julio's fun talk. Taxes. 

Recreational Sales Tax: $16.09
Illinois Recreational Tax: (Infused): $8.00
Illinois Recreational Tax: (THC >35%): $29.25
Total Tax: $53.34 💀
Total: $210.34
Loyalty Points Earned: 3.14 😆

Welp. Welcome to Illinois right? $53.34 in taxes. $210.34 spent on 2.60 grams. I am pretty sure the underground market dealers isn't to worried about that and would probably laughing right now. I'm like good lord. You know I could buy about 6 months of Ramen Noodles from the DollarTree with that $210.34. So yea. I guess were lighting it up for sure here in 2020 in Illinois. As I type this by the way nearly 2 months since legalized more and more dispensaries are being introduced to various parts of Illinois so yeah. I wonder will Illinois change the anthem to either Smoke Weed Everyday by Snoop Dogg or Because I got High by Afroman. What do you all think? Either way I could go on and on about the taxes but that image above speaks itself. One thing someone will have to fill me in next time is the loyalty points. That one is hilarious! 

Happy  1st Quarter of 2020 and let's see where oh where does this route take us here this year. Peace!

What are you reading in 2020 to expand your mind

I share this story from time to time but I think visualizations are even better. I was never into reading books when I was younger. I'd read maybe once in awhile goosebumps as a kid because I liked it. Then the shows came and I ditched the books and watched the shows afterschool.
When I was a teen I had to 2 books I liked even though it was required for school. One was a banned war book (Can't remember the name) and the other was The Giver. Anything outside of that I wouldn't touch. About 10 years or so probably 12 or 13 years ago because this one book made an appearance and I didn't touch it till 10 years ago because it was said I should read it. I was hesitant at first but then I was like okay. I read that book and I opened a new area of my life. It wasn't the Bible that was the 2nd book I have (in reality it's the 1st that encompasses all in this picture).
The book was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. If you want to learn something new you read a book thats 80 plus years old. That book lead to 3 books then to 4 then to many more. This isn't all the books and it's still got room for more. I have about 70 to 73 books so far. This is within 10 years of coming across that book which many of the top people in the world have this book in their collection.
I asked Damian J. the creator of FUBU and also hes on Shark Tank when he was in Rosemont with Tony Robbins what was one of the books he attributed to his success starting out and he said Think and Grow Rich. (True story he responded there to my Tweet when we were tweeting him online I was the 2nd Tweet he responded)
Whether you're a reader, an audible person, a YouTube podcast or however if you want to become successful you have to start within. Change yourself first.
Take it or leave it but know I'm gonna do more than you know. 
