Friday, March 6, 2020

What are you reading in 2020 to expand your mind

I share this story from time to time but I think visualizations are even better. I was never into reading books when I was younger. I'd read maybe once in awhile goosebumps as a kid because I liked it. Then the shows came and I ditched the books and watched the shows afterschool.
When I was a teen I had to 2 books I liked even though it was required for school. One was a banned war book (Can't remember the name) and the other was The Giver. Anything outside of that I wouldn't touch. About 10 years or so probably 12 or 13 years ago because this one book made an appearance and I didn't touch it till 10 years ago because it was said I should read it. I was hesitant at first but then I was like okay. I read that book and I opened a new area of my life. It wasn't the Bible that was the 2nd book I have (in reality it's the 1st that encompasses all in this picture).
The book was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. If you want to learn something new you read a book thats 80 plus years old. That book lead to 3 books then to 4 then to many more. This isn't all the books and it's still got room for more. I have about 70 to 73 books so far. This is within 10 years of coming across that book which many of the top people in the world have this book in their collection.
I asked Damian J. the creator of FUBU and also hes on Shark Tank when he was in Rosemont with Tony Robbins what was one of the books he attributed to his success starting out and he said Think and Grow Rich. (True story he responded there to my Tweet when we were tweeting him online I was the 2nd Tweet he responded)
Whether you're a reader, an audible person, a YouTube podcast or however if you want to become successful you have to start within. Change yourself first.
Take it or leave it but know I'm gonna do more than you know. 
