Tuesday, February 7, 2012

For people that think the world will end in 2012

For people that think the world will end in 2012 wake up and smell the coffee grounds because it ain't happening. The only thing that is happening this year is the Galactic Alignment when the sun aligns with the milky way. Happens every 20,000 or so years. That is the only thing happening. As far as the Mayan Calendar I think everyone is misinterpreting the meaning of it. Sure the calendar ends in 2012 but that does not mean the world ends. If you haven't noticed the media and filming industry is making huge profits off of the 2012 Mayan Calendar. Heck we seen it in the Chevy commercial at the Superbowl on this past Sunday. Its a money maker for sure on your fears. Remember Y2K? How did that turn out? Let's not forget the guy who says the world will end almost once every quarter and people still give him money which is crazy in my point of view. When the time comes for the world to end we will know but as for an exact date its not going to happen. Only god knows that date.

Twitter now lets governments decide what content is suitable for their citizens

Seen this on Yahoo news. Found it interesting. Can we say that Big Brother is now watching our Social Media?


Money Lessons for people

These are strong guidelines NOT rules.

First a question, Why do banks and insurance companies have the biggest buildings?

1. Don't take out short term loans (keep balances on credit cards at zero) and don't pay interest
2. Don't rent
3. Save 3 months living expenses and keep in a money market account
4. Invest
5. Use mutual funds and ETF's and be diversified. Check what your funds own to be sure they don't overlap too much. Also be balanced between large and small companies domestic and foreign. Think long view.
6. Own real estate beginning with your own home
7. If you don't want to be a landlord, use a real estate mutual fund
8. Be sure to watch your funds and see they are outperforming the averages and are in the top 20% in there category. Check 2 to 4 times a year
9. Only buy term life insurance and invest the difference
10. Plan for retirement. Don't expect Social Security to be enough. It won't be!
11. Separate your needs from your wants. Ask yourself "am I going to be happy about this purchase when I have to pay the credit card bill and beyond, or am I caught up in the excitement of the purchase?"
12. Pay yourself too. Enjoy each day! Control your money and don't let it control you
13. Dollar cost average. Buy some mutual fund shares every month (or whatever time period works for you) Don't expect to buy at the low or you will not succeed. Instead, look at it as when it goes down you get more shares. After all you are buying for the long term, not selling anytime soon
14. Don't jump around to try and catch what is hot. Your too late. Instead, what is cheap and going to be hot next? Here's a good rule of thumb about investing: When people who know nothing about an investment start buying it, that's a good time to start selling it. The reason is simple. The unknowledgeable ones are always the last people to buy. Once the amateurs are in, there is no one left to buy. That market can't go any higher.
15. Don't invest funds for the long term that you will need within 3 years. That is what the money market is for.
16. NEVER go without health insurance
17. Always carry car and home insurance
18. Live well, but below your means
19. Have a short term and a long term plan and write it down where you can review it often. This includes all your goals. If you don't write them down your chances of success in achieving your plan is greatly diminished.
20. Don't jump in and out of the market. Market timing does not work. Instead use a 50 and 200 day moving average to buy when things are not too expensive
21. Make these kinds of decisions prior to this happening and NOT when the market is open. I like to do these reviews on Sunday mornings, away from all the news and market "noise" where I can be objective and consider my long term goals.
22. When it comes to the markets, leave your emotions out of it!
23. Don't buy extended warranties
24. The problem with borrowing money, you have to pay it back, WITH INTEREST!
25. Avoid the bankers 4 D's Debt, Divorce, Disease, and Death (not necessarily in that order).

10 Tips for using Linkedin if your a beginner

Here are 10 Tips I recommend if you are a beginner for using Linkedin so if you are using it for business or professional you want to make your page be noticeable.

  1. Add a picture of yourself on Linkedin. Reason being people that you add or that add you want to know who you are and without a picture you're not really getting a professional result from getting noticed. It makes you look mysterious.
  2. Have your name in Caps like this JULIO CARRASCO it makes you stand out and people will want to look at your page if it stands out from the rest.
  3. Have your resume imported to your page with your achievements and accomplishments. Having your resume is very important if your looking for work or trying to find business. If they see what your doing with your professional history they will be interested in contacting you.
  4. Get recommendation from coworkers, family, and friends. The more recommendations you have the better chance you have at getting noticed as well if your trying to do business it will look even better.
  5. If you can afford it I would recommend upgrading your Linkedin page to a monthly or yearly membership. One is you get to reach out to more people if its for business or even if its for finding a job. With a upgraded Linkedin page there is way more advantages than your free page.
  6. Introduce yourself to people you add if they don't know you. Send a thank you message for them accepting your add and try to network with them. If you just add someone just to be a page collector your not really getting good results.
  7. Meet many of the people you add over a cup of coffee if its convenient for both of you and get to know one another about what you both do professionally. You never know who will be the one you do business with or who will be the one who gets you a job opportunity unless you meet them in person.
  8. Followup followup followup. One can only say that following up with someone you add or meet from Linkedin is a must. It shows that you are interested in what the other person is doing on Linkedin.
  9. Give recommendation to the people in your connections that are on your page. Know about what they do and give your support for them. Helping another will benefit you in the long run.
  10. Keep your status updates up to date. Let people know what is going on with you and what you got going on in your life. Don't be missing in action or M.I.A as I say. Communication is key to a good relationship.

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