Tuesday, February 7, 2012

For people that think the world will end in 2012

For people that think the world will end in 2012 wake up and smell the coffee grounds because it ain't happening. The only thing that is happening this year is the Galactic Alignment when the sun aligns with the milky way. Happens every 20,000 or so years. That is the only thing happening. As far as the Mayan Calendar I think everyone is misinterpreting the meaning of it. Sure the calendar ends in 2012 but that does not mean the world ends. If you haven't noticed the media and filming industry is making huge profits off of the 2012 Mayan Calendar. Heck we seen it in the Chevy commercial at the Superbowl on this past Sunday. Its a money maker for sure on your fears. Remember Y2K? How did that turn out? Let's not forget the guy who says the world will end almost once every quarter and people still give him money which is crazy in my point of view. When the time comes for the world to end we will know but as for an exact date its not going to happen. Only god knows that date.