Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 Tips for using Linkedin if your a beginner

Here are 10 Tips I recommend if you are a beginner for using Linkedin so if you are using it for business or professional you want to make your page be noticeable.

  1. Add a picture of yourself on Linkedin. Reason being people that you add or that add you want to know who you are and without a picture you're not really getting a professional result from getting noticed. It makes you look mysterious.
  2. Have your name in Caps like this JULIO CARRASCO it makes you stand out and people will want to look at your page if it stands out from the rest.
  3. Have your resume imported to your page with your achievements and accomplishments. Having your resume is very important if your looking for work or trying to find business. If they see what your doing with your professional history they will be interested in contacting you.
  4. Get recommendation from coworkers, family, and friends. The more recommendations you have the better chance you have at getting noticed as well if your trying to do business it will look even better.
  5. If you can afford it I would recommend upgrading your Linkedin page to a monthly or yearly membership. One is you get to reach out to more people if its for business or even if its for finding a job. With a upgraded Linkedin page there is way more advantages than your free page.
  6. Introduce yourself to people you add if they don't know you. Send a thank you message for them accepting your add and try to network with them. If you just add someone just to be a page collector your not really getting good results.
  7. Meet many of the people you add over a cup of coffee if its convenient for both of you and get to know one another about what you both do professionally. You never know who will be the one you do business with or who will be the one who gets you a job opportunity unless you meet them in person.
  8. Followup followup followup. One can only say that following up with someone you add or meet from Linkedin is a must. It shows that you are interested in what the other person is doing on Linkedin.
  9. Give recommendation to the people in your connections that are on your page. Know about what they do and give your support for them. Helping another will benefit you in the long run.
  10. Keep your status updates up to date. Let people know what is going on with you and what you got going on in your life. Don't be missing in action or M.I.A as I say. Communication is key to a good relationship.

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