Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age by Dale Carnegie & Associates

My review of How To Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age by Dale Carnegie and Associates by Julio Carrasco

So I am well over due on a review on many books and places I've traveled and visited so I wanted to give a personal review of one of my many favorite books How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age.

Now the original book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie himself is still the classic and the same principles were taken from this book and applied to the new book in the digital era on how we really communicate with people via technology. The digital era has really skyrocketed and everyday new and new technology is coming out across the globe. It amazes me at the things they invent.

My review of this book is it is a must have and gets a 5 star rating of books to have in your collection. Why? Because nowadays you have to be very careful what you say whether outside in person, through email, or even through a social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. If you say something out of context or its construed wrong it can cause a digital backlash or as I say it a social media wildfire.

I'll give an example in today's events... Not too long ago the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch had made a comment regarding why he doesn't sell his clothes sizes to people who wear bigger size clothes and his response was I only sell my clothes to beautiful people and he didn't want people that were big or ugly wearing his clothes. Of course that spread through the internet and caused a massive wildfire of people posting saying that it was discrimination, and that they would never shop there and so forth. Once that spread over the internet other clothing companies seen that as a door opener to tell the consumers that they don't discriminate sizes and offer bigger size clothing for them.

Now I'm not sure what the stock of Abercrombie & Fitch did after that had went viral whether it dropped in value or how business performed afterwards but I will tell you that many people I know said they would never shop there.

Moral of story is sometimes you got to think what you're thinking what your about to say because if you say it wrong it can be construed wrong and really upset some people. Had this CEO took the principles from Dale Carnegie whether in his original book or even this new edition which is more by his Associates since it applies to the Digital era he probably wouldn't have had that backlash.

I can tell you of other companies and the list would go on of some that like to hit on those subjects you have to be careful to talk about but you can just go online and you will see some of the latest controversies going on.

Some of the things I don't talk about or if I do I try not to talk about it too often because I try to keep it neutral and not to get it into a debate are politics, religion, sexual preference, gender, race, governments, or any subject that you can tell might cause a debate or be a touching point with whoever is viewing it. I follow the principle never criticize, condemn, or complain. That is key in both books the original and the new one because by following that principle you are setting yourself up for success and are becoming an influence to many in your circle.

When people are on their death bed they don't say oh I wish I made more money, or I wish I didn't make that one choice that got me into the wrong path and ended me broke or in debt, etc. No. They are saying I wish I was a bigger influence on others. I wish I could have influenced more people in a positive way that would help them grow to the potential that they were meant to be. See that mentality shift right there? Taking the context of something negative and turning into something positive. Rather than talk about making more money talk about becoming a bigger influence on others. If you talk about making more money you are just prostituting yourself and that's not becoming a greater influence on people in your circle. Honesty and Loyalty are very essential for each and every person on this planet.

I have been a student of reading Self Improvement, Growth, Leadership, Motivational books and many positive books by positive people for the past 4 years and I am only 29 years old. I am one of the most positive people in Chicago IL that you will see with a smile all the time and actually says what he does. I am a man of my word. I realized once I am 30 years old next year I have between 21,000 and 23,000 days left on this planet and each day wasted is a day I would miss out on the opportunity to influence and motivate someone. When I am around people I bring out so much positivity that I can make anyone feel comfortable around me and have a great time when I am in accompany. Before the 4 years that I started becoming a student I was the shyest, quietest, nervous to speak in front of people Latino you ever met. Now? Well I think I changed that if you've met me in Chicago or heard me talk.

So my rating overall is a 5 Star rating. Especially if you want to learn more how to build your confidence, make more friends, influence people, or just become a better person this is one of the many I would recommend adding to your collection. Now note this book isn't a way to manipulate people to like you or do things for you. No that is not what this is about. If you want to increase your circle of friends, followers, acquaintances and are positive or want to be as positive as I am then this is for you. They say knowledge is power but I believe knowledge is power only if applied. So if you take what you read from this book and apply it then that will be power.

You can buy the book here and its worth the purchase trust me. I guarantee it.