Monday, December 30, 2013

A highly recommend blog post

Hey everyone so this isn't really a blog type post but in a way it is but anywho many that view my posts know when I give a suggestion or a post its a great read so today this is one of those I highly suggest you take action on this because when I guarantee you don't want to miss this then I mean it. So yea there are less than 337 tickets to this event in Las Vegas in January its a big event with some high profile people that if you want to pick there brain and learn how they got to were they are no then you might want to check them out. You save $300 getting your ticket through me so what would you rather do? Pay full price or have a savings through me? Your choice. Check it out below and see what I mean. I really don't need to hard sell when I give a suggestion or a great offer anymore I mean heck look at my pic. Jared from Subway eat your heart out because I am the real freakin deal ;) So yea go for it and do it because the Latino wearing the Fedora hat doesn't lie and can guarantee it better than the guy from Men's Wearhouse that got fired. #BOOM #DONE

Oh and by the way for some reason I am not to make the link below a hyperlink so copy and paste it in another browser window or URL window and view it that way. If the first link doesn't work try the second link. Thanks. Happy New Year 2014 ROCK ON!


Friday, November 29, 2013


So back in the early 90's I was diagnosed with Bipolar, Depression, and Tourettes around 93 is when it first started. I was taking antidepressants since 93. So Spring of 2012 since I had been seeing a Psychiatrist he told me that I was going to be on prescription medicines for the rest of my life and I was like uhm no I don't want that. I was already 19 years on them I'm done I was not planning on doing another 20, 30, etc years more on them. So I started looking into a way to get off them naturally. Now I tried to stop them completely without anything supplementing and would literally have withdrawal effects like shaking, nervousness, insomnia. I felt like a drug addict without his drugs and I was like this is the pharmaceutical industry and this is legal?

So when I was at a Networking Event I met Kim Gonzalez my mentor that brought me into USANA she told me a bit about USANA and I made the decision to take a chance and see. Sometimes you have to take risks and think outside the box otherwise you are going to become average and ordinary and I was not a guy that thinks inside the box. So I started as a client in June/July of summer taking the Essentials, Biomega, and Vitamin D and within 3 months I noticed a difference in my health that I said you know I actually feel better rather than worse so I said well I am going to take another chance.

Now I knew if I had told my doctor I was taking USANA he would try every trick in the book to tell me not to because I knew he was one that was in for the money that loved getting kickbacks from the pharmaceutical industry so I didn't tell him just yet. I started lowering my doses on my prescriptions on my own. I was taking Effexor XR 75 and 150 MG and Geoddon 80 MG I believe. The Geoddon was 1 in morning and 1 in evening the Effexor XR was 1 of the 150 MG and 1 of the 75 MG in the morning so I started to lower the Effexor by taking the 150 away, and then not to soon after I took the Geoddon in the AM away and sure enough I started lowering all the way that by Christmas of 2012 I was completely prescription drug free. 19 years of being on Prescription drugs gone as of Christmas 2012 that was one of the biggest accomplishments for me ever.

I still went to see the doctor though but I never took anything else he gave me. I would sit in the patient room seeing patients drugged up on prescription just nodding back and forth it was bad. You would wait over a hour or 2 just to be seen and when he seen you it was 5 minutes how you doing? okay see you in 8 weeks here's a prescription bye. Like that is what got to me
because I knew he was only in it for the money from the pharmaceutical industry.

They did a study on Fox News in June of 2013 that said 70% of Americans were on at least one prescription drug. I can now say I am no longer a statistic. That would mean 70% of those doctors are only caring about the kickbacks from what I would believe. I tell people my story because its like why wouldn't I share it? Thousands of people are dying each year from Prescription medicines in North America and I am showing people there is hope and a better choice, there is light at the end of the tunnel and that is USANA and Dr. Wentz vision.

You would think my story would end there as a powerful story but it doesn’t. Back on November 9th, 2012 I had weighed 273 pounds. One of my goals was to be 200 pounds before my 29th birthday on September 20th, 2013. I was determined on achieving this goal. When the better half of my life Andrea McCarthy came into my life along with USANA she increased not only my confidence but also my determination to take better care of my health. For many years my close friends would say you should start reading labels but I was never serious about it. Till Andrea came into my life back on May 22nd, 2013 when we first met and even more serious when we became a couple on June 1st, 2013. Andrea being a certified Health Coach and me still new in the Health and Service Industry what we didn’t know at how well the two of us were meant for each other as well as how the two of us being the rockin kick butt Fedora Hat Couple we would really make waves in 2013.

I was 273 pounds back on November 9th, 2012 and now I am 179 pounds as of November 9th, 2013. I lost 94 pounds within a years time frame but since being in a relationship with Andrea and having her in my life I’ve lost 58 pounds out of the 94 pounds in the year so that’s 61% of my weight transformation is also thanks to Andrea big time along with USANA. Her knowledge about healthy lifestyle food choices along with me making the lifestyle choice to go Gluten Free since Andrea is Gluten Intolerant I now understand that the benefits of going Gluten Free can really help in the long run. I made the choice to start supporting her from day 1 by trying Gluten Free Foods and it tastes just like anything else you eat just offers a more healthier choice in the long run for you. At first I didn’t realize it till I calculated that since being in a relationship I really do owe a big amount of credit to my better half, girlfriend, best friend ever, and future wife Andrea McCarthy.

My goal was to be 200 pounds by September 20th, 2013 I achieved that on September 9th, 2013 which was 11 days before my birthday. Went from a size 50 to a size 34 in jeans and a 3X to a size Medium in shorts and a t-shirt. Also went from a size 11 to a size 10.5 in shoes. I tell people I am not a paid actor that you see on the late night infomercials I am the real deal.

In February of this year I walked 3.4 miles from my apartment to where our train line was located and 3.4 miles back so 6.8 miles in one day round trip. Took me 3 hours round trip and 1 and a half hours each way. I did my first official 5k at the convention last month and did it in 50 minutes. I did another 5k with my girlfriend in September for Lung Cancer Research since both our dads passed away from Lung Cancer years ago so it was an emotional moment. It was my girlfriends first 5k and my 2nd official 5k. I was worried about her since its something new she hasn't done and she was worried about me because I had a car accident a few days beforehand and someone hit my car from the back so there fault and I still did the 5k. (I was sore but I recovered fast thanks to USANA)

We did the 5k in one hour and 10 minutes. We walked so we were at the back of the line and the last to cross the finish line. So official 5k's 2 but if we calculate the ones in February not as official but walking I would say total of 4 :)

Today its November 29th , 2013 and so far I weigh 172 pounds so that’s a 101 pounds lost since November 9th, 2012 which means 65 pounds of that 101 pounds is thanks to my beautiful better half Andrea Mccarthy she is the reason I strive to do my best and why I will continue to take it to the next level.

I’ve come a long way and its only the beginning. For those that don’t know me my name is Julio Carrasco and I am the next Steve Jobs….in health and service. In 2014 that all begins to take surface so be ready because when people say the sky is the limit I say there is no sky and the universe is yours for the taking. You can do whatever you put your mind to if you just try it and just do it. Napolean Hill said what the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve and baby its all starting to formulate into achieving. Anything is possible when you just have faith and belief that everything will work itself out. When you meet me you are either going to like me, hate me, love me, envy me, be jealous of me, either way you will eventually see me and if none of those options you will think that he is one crazy Chicagorican Fedora Hat wearer and you know what? Yes I am and its true oh its damn true so ROCK ON and stay for the ride because its already done started. BOOM….

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A message to the world part 1

Goodmorning everyone. Happy Saturday and Happy Sweetest Day. Today I am making it a day of Peace and Happiness. A day when we the world unite as one in a peaceful way. No protesting, no fighting, no violence, but a day of us to unite together throughout the world and be happy and love one another. You will see more of what I will be writing in a bit but I was felt to write something to bring the world to be peace with one another. There are tensions throughout the world with many protests going on because of the way their government is not fullfilling the needs of the people and I want to tell you people I feel and understand your anger, your pain, your suffering. I ask that rather in being angry and violent turn that into peace, and true happiness. When Mother Teresa was alive she never was into anti protests she was pro peace. Being peace with one another. Helping everyone that she came across was her passion. I may be Christian but you know I am one that doesn't judge what religion a person may or may not have. You could be Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, etc. It doesn't matter I respect and accept them all. I don't judge the same way I don't judge a person's skin. Black, White, yellow, it doesn't matter. We all bleed the same color blood which is red. For me they all are universal. I wear a Egyptian Ankh around my neck and its about being peaceful and protective which I am. Many know that I am always so positive and happy because I am. I don't let negativity, worry, pain and suffering get in my way. I rather be happy and help others than not be and always be grouching about my day to day. I truly am about peace and accepting everyone. I don't judge a person whether they are hetrosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, etc. I accept and care about them all. Some may agree with me and some may disagree but you know I learned you can't judge a book by its cover and you can't judge a person without walking a mile in their shoes. I am about being peaceful and neutral with one another. So in summing this all up. I say enjoy today whether you have someone in your life like a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, and if you are single I say you still do have someone to enjoy today even if its sweetest day. You may have a mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, son, daughter, good friend, spend time with them. Today is a day of being peaceful and happy. I affirm it will be a great day and when I affirm it I let the universe know that it will be so and like in the movie Aladdin the genie goes your wish is my command and so there Stay tuned everyone and enjoy!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My review on the City of Chicago's Ventra Transit system

My review on the City of Chicago's Ventra Transit system

I have been asked to definitely get my review out about the City of Chicago's Ventra Transit System that has started taking its shape in Chicago IL. Are you ready? You sure you are ready?....Alright here is my review....

The City of Chicago's Ventra Transit System is getting 1 star out of 5 star ratings which of course 5 being higher than 1 I will tell you in detail why I am only giving it 1 star.....

The switchover to the Ventra from the CTA is probably the worst thing that the City of Chicago has ever done since the government switched from the bunny ear antennas to the analog boxes. Why you may ask? Well for many that have gotten the letters and cards in the mail and the emails letting people know about them it has caused many headaches. What kind of headaches you may ask? Let's see... many Chicago residents having trouble activating their cards properly let along understanding how to setup an account online to reload their cards while waiting on the phone for over 20 minutes only to get hanged up while on wait and not get their questions answered.

I can give you an example of this. As soon as I got my card in the mail and tried to activate it I got an error saying my card was invalid and needed to call customer service from Ventra. I did. Was on hold and said the next person would answer my call within 5 minutes. While waiting I could hear buttons being pushed by someone and 7 minutes later my call gets hanged up. The 2nd time I call was saying it was a 20 minute wait to get ahold of someone. I didn't wait that long because I don't have time for that. I called RTA corporate asking for some answers and told them they needed to fix this or I would get the word out via the media outlets and social media. They activated it within 10 minutes with me on the phone with them. Now why would I still get the word out via social media? Because many people are still dealing with this and if the Ventra company or RTA or whoever is the ones that own them because CTA tells me they aren't in charge of them take charge and offer great customer service and just do it by fixing it and actually listening to the people of Chicago rather than hangup their calls than maybe this Ventra transformation can actually be a great thing. When CTA employees say they don't agree with the new Ventra takeover and can't even talk about it because they would get disciplined than you know something sinister is happening here.

Until they fix this my 1 star still stays the same for Richlatino's reviews. When I give a review the Latino in the Fedora Hat doesn't lie. So Ventra the ball is in your court. You can satisfy the residents of Chicago or ignore it and let it create a social media viral storm like the way the guy that owns Abercrombie & Fitch and also Barilla. #Dropsmic

Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age by Dale Carnegie & Associates

My review of How To Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age by Dale Carnegie and Associates by Julio Carrasco

So I am well over due on a review on many books and places I've traveled and visited so I wanted to give a personal review of one of my many favorite books How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age.

Now the original book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie himself is still the classic and the same principles were taken from this book and applied to the new book in the digital era on how we really communicate with people via technology. The digital era has really skyrocketed and everyday new and new technology is coming out across the globe. It amazes me at the things they invent.

My review of this book is it is a must have and gets a 5 star rating of books to have in your collection. Why? Because nowadays you have to be very careful what you say whether outside in person, through email, or even through a social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. If you say something out of context or its construed wrong it can cause a digital backlash or as I say it a social media wildfire.

I'll give an example in today's events... Not too long ago the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch had made a comment regarding why he doesn't sell his clothes sizes to people who wear bigger size clothes and his response was I only sell my clothes to beautiful people and he didn't want people that were big or ugly wearing his clothes. Of course that spread through the internet and caused a massive wildfire of people posting saying that it was discrimination, and that they would never shop there and so forth. Once that spread over the internet other clothing companies seen that as a door opener to tell the consumers that they don't discriminate sizes and offer bigger size clothing for them.

Now I'm not sure what the stock of Abercrombie & Fitch did after that had went viral whether it dropped in value or how business performed afterwards but I will tell you that many people I know said they would never shop there.

Moral of story is sometimes you got to think what you're thinking what your about to say because if you say it wrong it can be construed wrong and really upset some people. Had this CEO took the principles from Dale Carnegie whether in his original book or even this new edition which is more by his Associates since it applies to the Digital era he probably wouldn't have had that backlash.

I can tell you of other companies and the list would go on of some that like to hit on those subjects you have to be careful to talk about but you can just go online and you will see some of the latest controversies going on.

Some of the things I don't talk about or if I do I try not to talk about it too often because I try to keep it neutral and not to get it into a debate are politics, religion, sexual preference, gender, race, governments, or any subject that you can tell might cause a debate or be a touching point with whoever is viewing it. I follow the principle never criticize, condemn, or complain. That is key in both books the original and the new one because by following that principle you are setting yourself up for success and are becoming an influence to many in your circle.

When people are on their death bed they don't say oh I wish I made more money, or I wish I didn't make that one choice that got me into the wrong path and ended me broke or in debt, etc. No. They are saying I wish I was a bigger influence on others. I wish I could have influenced more people in a positive way that would help them grow to the potential that they were meant to be. See that mentality shift right there? Taking the context of something negative and turning into something positive. Rather than talk about making more money talk about becoming a bigger influence on others. If you talk about making more money you are just prostituting yourself and that's not becoming a greater influence on people in your circle. Honesty and Loyalty are very essential for each and every person on this planet.

I have been a student of reading Self Improvement, Growth, Leadership, Motivational books and many positive books by positive people for the past 4 years and I am only 29 years old. I am one of the most positive people in Chicago IL that you will see with a smile all the time and actually says what he does. I am a man of my word. I realized once I am 30 years old next year I have between 21,000 and 23,000 days left on this planet and each day wasted is a day I would miss out on the opportunity to influence and motivate someone. When I am around people I bring out so much positivity that I can make anyone feel comfortable around me and have a great time when I am in accompany. Before the 4 years that I started becoming a student I was the shyest, quietest, nervous to speak in front of people Latino you ever met. Now? Well I think I changed that if you've met me in Chicago or heard me talk.

So my rating overall is a 5 Star rating. Especially if you want to learn more how to build your confidence, make more friends, influence people, or just become a better person this is one of the many I would recommend adding to your collection. Now note this book isn't a way to manipulate people to like you or do things for you. No that is not what this is about. If you want to increase your circle of friends, followers, acquaintances and are positive or want to be as positive as I am then this is for you. They say knowledge is power but I believe knowledge is power only if applied. So if you take what you read from this book and apply it then that will be power.

You can buy the book here and its worth the purchase trust me. I guarantee it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Money Lessons For People

These are strong guidelines NOT rules.

First a question, Why do banks and insurance companies have the biggest buildings?

1. Don't take out short term loans (keep balances on credit cards at zero) and don't pay interest
2. Don't rent
3. Save 3 months living expenses and keep in a money market account
4. Invest
5. Use mutual funds and ETF's and be diversified. Check what your funds own to be sure they don't overlap too much. Also be balanced between large and small companies domestic and foreign. Think long view.
6. Own real estate beginning with your own home
7. If you don't want to be a landlord, use a real estate mutual fund
8. Be sure to watch your funds and see they are outperforming the averages and are in the top 20% in there category. Check 2 to 4 times a year
9. Only buy term life insurance and invest the difference
10. Plan for retirement. Don't expect Social Security to be enough. It won't be!
11. Separate your needs from your wants. Ask yourself "am I going to be happy about this purchase when I have to pay the credit card bill and beyond, or am I caught up in the excitement of the purchase?"
12. Pay yourself too. Enjoy each day! Control your money and don't let it control you
13. Dollar cost average. Buy some mutual fund shares every month (or whatever time period works for you) Don't expect to buy at the low or you will not succeed. Instead, look at it as when it goes down you get more shares. After all you are buying for the long term, not selling anytime soon
14. Don't jump around to try and catch what is hot. Your too late. Instead, what is cheap and going to be hot next? Here's a good rule of thumb about investing: When people who know nothing about an investment start buying it, that's a good time to start selling it. The reason is simple. The unknowledgeable ones are always the last people to buy. Once the amateurs are in, there is no one left to buy. That market can't go any higher.
15. Don't invest funds for the long term that you will need within 3 years. That is what the money market is for.
16. NEVER go without health insurance
17. Always carry car and home insurance
18. Live well, but below your means
19. Have a short term and a long term plan and write it down where you can review it often. This includes all your goals. If you don't write them down your chances of success in achieving your plan is greatly diminished.
20. Don't jump in and out of the market. Market timing does not work. Instead use a 50 and 200 day moving average to buy when things are not too expensive
21. Make these kinds of decisions prior to this happening and NOT when the market is open. I like to do these reviews on Sunday mornings, away from all the news and market "noise" where I can be objective and consider my long term goals.
22. When it comes to the markets, leave your emotions out of it!
23. Don't buy extended warranties
24. The problem with borrowing money, you have to pay it back, WITH INTEREST!
25. Avoid the bankers 4 D's Debt, Divorce, Disease, and Death (not necessarily in that order).

Regarding number 9 you want to know why buy term and invest the difference is better? Ask Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman and they will tell you. Let me mention they are on a national station channel so in order to be on a channel like that you need to know what your talking about. So yea many agents may not agree with them but in my own opinion they that don't agree don't have their own broadcast show time slot. Sometimes when you want to speak the truth you have to be controversial. All you can do is All you can do, but all you can do is enough. People think oh the market is bad your not going to get any good rates. Let me ask you are you listening to what it says about the market on tv, radio, or are you listening to what the investment companies like Leggmason, Blackrock, Invesco, etc are saying? Since inception its been averaging around 12% the market. Banks pay less than 1% for a savings, CDs, and money markets can be under 2% at the moment at the banks but what you don't realize if you have your money in the bank they can legally invest in the global economy and earn higher % rates and pay you the peanuts in your account. Sad but true. I might offend some people but you know what the truth hurts. I rather speak the truth than tell a lie. I'm no longer in the financial industry but I got to speak to representatives within Leggmason and pick their brains and find out how the market is really doing. My managed municipal money market through Leggmason my statement says the past year my money market has earned 5%. My Roth IRA that I have through Leggmason overall the past year has earned 10%. 5% and 10% tell me do you think I am complaining about the market? Nope! Now each person is different based on what they invest and what not but this is just my personal account statement. Now I want to mention that Leggmason they manage Bill Gates money. You know the Microsoft Billionaire Guy. Do you think I want to put my money in the bank where it pays less than 1% when you use the Rule of 72 where you take 72 and divide it by % rate and then it will tell you how many years your money will double because it would mean it would take 72 years for my money to double if I earned 1% in the bank account. I may not be fully contributing but I at least have the access to it so when I am ready to fully contribute it I will be investing more than anything. Some people might not like what I'm saying but hey I am not a people pleaser I only please my girlfriend, my better half, my queen. Winning means being controversial and hell if I got to win I got to win ;) 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

My review of Kings Rosemont

Hey everyone,

It's Julio aka Richalatino here and I wanted to start giving out reviews for different places I've been to and let you know more about them and my star rating on them. For the first review I am going to be reviewing Kings Rosemont. It is a bowling, billiard, and restaurant in Rosemont IL. Actually fairly new it just had recently their 1 year anniversary not too long ago maybe a month or so ago. The address is 5505 Park Place, Rosemont, IL, 60018. Located off of Bryn Mawr and River Road right next to the Muvico Theater inside MB Financial Park. This location is actually one of my favorite bowling alleys to go to and gets Richlatino's 5 star rating and Two Thumbs up award. One the way it looks from the outside and inside really clean and professional. The people that work there are really friendly and offer 110% customer service. One of the managers I got to know and by far I believe should get promoted even higher because she knows how to excel at making sure customers are having a great time her name is Amber. I met her about 2 maybe 3 weeks ago and I tell you this girl can really make a customer feel great and she has such a great vibe that you definitely want to come back and enjoy a good time either bowling or playing billiards or even having some drinks and watching game on their TV's. Her and the whole team there really exceed at that. Especially if you want to have a birthday party there, corporate party, etc they have it all even a private area for bowling with huge TV's to watch sports and everything is just excel. I've been to other bowling alleys and I tell you this is by far the best one in IL no one can beat that. They have also a lot of specials throughout the week.

Monday's are industry nights for those that serve in the industry where they get tips they can bowl or play billiards for free with a pay stub or business card after 9pm 21 and older.

Tuesdays is $2 Tuesdays were its $2 bowling, $2 billiards, $2 pizzas, and $2 beers which is always great and thats in the evening from 8pm to close 21 and older.

Wednesdays is Wild Wednesdays every Wednesday at 9pm for just $10 all you can bowl. It;s a bowling buffet. (Minimum 4 bowlers per lane) 21 and older.

Every Thursdays is Ladies Night - Ladies bowl free after 9pm $4 champagne all day and 1/2 off on deserts. 21 and older but ladies you would love this especially if you want to have girls night out.

Kings Karaoke Idol - Sing like the stars - Auditions held every Friday at 9pm and 1st place prize is $500 so call ahead for table reservations 21 and older.

Of course just because its 21 and older in the evening the kids can have fun before 6pm each and every day. They would love it just for bowling. They do kid birthday parties as well.

So definitely check this place out if you have never been there. is their website their phone number is 847-233-0099

Follow them on Facebook look for KingsRosemont and on Twitter @Kingsrosmeont

Definitely one of the best places I've been to for bowling, billiards, food, and drinks, and watching the game. My number one spot for going out with friends is Kings Rosemont. Oh and also if you park in the garage park in the MB Financial Bank side and take your ticket inside and they will validate it so will be free parking.

You heard it first from Richlatino and Kings Rosemont gets Richlatino's Two Thumbs up award and 5 star rating.

Friday, May 17, 2013

My story

In the early 90's I was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and Depression - and not too soon after - Bipolar Disorder. When I was diagnosed with these disorders I was placed on prescription medicines and have been taking them every day since then. Last May my doctor announced that I was going to be on these meds for the rest of my life. This was not an option in my mind -  So I began my search for hope. 

In the summer of 2012, I was introduced to USANA and started the supplements. Within 3 months, I noticed a huge improvement in my health and I started reducing my prescription medicines on my own. I am now 28 years old and as of Christmas 2012 I can proudly say I am no longer on prescription medicines.  Can you imagine the gift this is to every organ in my body, and most importantly to my peace of mind.

I hope my story will inspire others to be in charge of their health and not give up hope for the solutions they are looking for.

 And then there is financial hope - the freedom to enjoy this new lease on not get sucked into the vortex of working for 40 years....
We are in a new era, with new options and this direct selling model is absolutely brilliant for those of us with the vision and the passion and the work ethic to build teams and earn income by helping as many as possible, just like me ~ with their most important asset, their health.  

As for me, I'm bringing as many with me as I can....

So why am I here to not only share my story and offer people hope that if they want to take care of their own health they should be in charge of it and not a doctor but also because I do believe Usana has the perfect model that can let people achieve their dreams to become financially independent. I see the finish line and each day I am striving to get closer to it because I do know that working 40 years for the rest of your life and then you retire you're not going to be financially independent unless you start saving beforehand and having your own business along the way. You don’t want to be in the rat race going in circles and never reaching the finish line. You need to have your own business and not only do you need to grow that business as your growing that business and building residual income you have to start saving for your retirement when your young because the later you wait to save the harder it will be and then it will be just too late. For the younger generation you want to ask yourself work 40 years a job and enjoy 5 years of your life or work a business and do it 110% for 5 years and enjoy 40 years of your life. Success doesn't happen overnight and does take hard work. If you give it your all and some more you will get to the finish line and keep on going.